Techniques to slow down aging and prevent

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Techniques to slow down aging and prevent

What is premature aging?

From a molecular standpoint, the human body is full of telomeres, or sections of DNA protein structures at the end of chromosomes. Telomeres help preserve the genetic information that keeps you looking young and spry. Some of the telomere is lost when each cell divides, although an enzyme call telomerase helps replenish this. Over time, the telomeres naturally shorten with age and expose your DNA to damage and eventually die off.

This process is known as intrinsic ageing (sometimes call chronological aging). It’s unique to each individual since it’s entirely tied to your genetics.

However, certain environmental and behavioral ufabet factors can speed up the telomere shortening process that makes your DNA more prone to damage. This is call extrinsic aging.

As a result, premature aging can set in long before it was expecte. In other words, your biological clock is more advanced than your chronological clock. Controllable factors such as stress, smoking and sun exposure can all play a role in expediting extrinsic aging.

If you don’t want your body’s cells and systems to deteriorate faster than your actual age, these techniques can help.

•Get enough sleep each day, at least 6-8 hours.

•Avoid alcoholic beverages.

• Quit smoking

• Exercise appropriately and regularly.

• Regularly check your body and do not let your body have chronic infections that will lead to serious illnesses.

•Take care of your diet by focusing on fruits that contain vitamins.

• Eat nutritious foods that are high in minerals and fiber, and drink plenty of water.

• Do not accumulate stress. Find a way to get rid of it as quickly as possible.

• Always train your brain and thinking skills. Keep learning new things.

•Avoid being in polluted or unhealthy environments.

• Take good care of your relationship. Research has found that people single or have a bad relationship. Who have arguments, tend to be depress or depress more easily than people. Who have a good relationship with their partner.

• Learn to be social. People who have good human relations and get along with others tend to be happier and more physically and mentally fit than those who tend to be introverted.

• Be positive

•Know how to find your own happiness.